Staff of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Renewable Energy Sector Development Project (RESDP) recently participated in an intensive Crisis Management Workshop to determine the actual response capabilities and needs of the unit, learn the skills and response chains and build the knowledge and confidence necessary to successfully manage a crisis.
During the workshop, facilitated by Accela Marketing, staff of the PIU were exposed to areas such as the types of crises, recommended crisis response activities, dealing with the media, creating a crisis message, and online reputation management.
Crisis Response formed the major part of the workshop with participants undertaking some crisis simulation exercises, the aims of which were to clearly establish the chain of command and test the responsiveness of the existing grievance redress mechanism. Additional aims included to determine the designated spokespeople, establish a core crisis team ready to convene at a moment’s notice, identify the stakeholders essential to crisis management and learn how to deal with social media during a crisis.
Commenting on the exercise, RESDP’s Project Manager, Ken Adonza, acknowledged the importance of the project team being ready to respond adequately to a crisis. “The workshop uncovered the need for a special crisis communication team within the Grievance Redress Mechanism which can be activated immediately as well as the need to have access to key decision makers. We anticipate that once the plan is completed, the project unit will be better able to respond to any unplanned event or crisis.”
Over the coming weeks, Accela Marketing and the PIU will complete a Crisis Communication Plan to assist the unit in responding accurately and confidently during a crisis.